Game Rules (EULA)

Your Guide to Our Policies, Procedures, and Customer Rights.

1 Introduction

These Terms of Use and End User License Agreement (EULA) govern the use of the app “one2play”, provided by icigai1 GmbH, Moritz-vor-Rohr-Straße 1a, 07745 Jena, Germany. By using the app, you agree to these terms. If you do not agree, please do not use the app.

2. Basic information about the app

The app "one2play" is a game with the aim of creating social added value by rewarding social and environmentally friendly activities. Players compete against each other in various challenges and receive rewards that they can exchange for offers. Use of the offers and challenges is voluntary.

One2play is a game with a serious, socially relevant background. In one2play you don't play against NPCs , but with other people from your environment.

one2play alone is not enough – you need other players to be able to play one2play.

The game is played peer-to-peer, which means that two equal players always join forces. One player pays, the other player is paid.

One player performs a service, the other confirms this service – one player offers something, another player accepts the offer, etc.

Each player can change his teammate at any time, the game brings players together in different ways (eg on fields or by intelligent sorting in lists). Each player has full control over

When you use "one2play", you agree to the rules and functionality of "one2play". "one2play" follows functions and game rules to which all players are bound. The game has a defined goal that all players work towards together.

Overall, “one2play” aims to make the world a better place – not only for our players, but also for all other people and nature.

Legal framework and data protection

3. Legal status

Participation in the game at one2play does not release you from the existing legal framework. Your and other rights and obligations remain unaffected.

one2play is a game for people. Legal entities cannot register as players on one2play. Legal entities become fields. This means that all players on one2play play as private individuals.

This means that everything within one2play and any actions that may result from it actually take place within the framework of the civil law applicable in the country in question.

The organizations behind one2play, icigai1 GmbH, expressly distance themselves from all content in the game one2play, except for that which we as players ourselves contribute to one2play.
• The use of the app does not release you from existing legal obligations.
• The app is for users aged 16 and over.
• icigai1 GmbH is not liable for content created by players.

4. Liability

• icigai1 GmbH is only liable for damages caused by intentional or grossly negligent behavior.
• Players are liable for any damage they cause while using the app, in accordance with Section 823 of the German Civil Code (BGB).
• Each player is required to take out private liability insurance to cover damages between players. icigai1 GmbH does not offer any insurance cover when carrying out challenges and deals.

5. Data protection and data security

• Personal data is processed only for the purpose of using the app and is not passed on to third parties.
• Users can remain anonymous by using only their email address to register.
• The processing of personal data is carried out in accordance with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and German data protection laws.
• See separate documents Data Protection und Data Processing.

6. Visibility and privacy

• All content posted by players is visible to other players in relation to friend status, field membership and the restrictions of certain licenses. In general, it should be assumed that all content related to the fields and challenges and deals is visible to everyone.
• For deals, the visibility of the players and field administrators involved in field deals is considered limited once those deals have been awarded.
• Players should not share sensitive or personally identifiable information unless they have the express consent of the individuals or companies concerned.
• In addition, you should not enter any information in the game that violates or restricts the property rights or freedoms of third parties. Questionable challenges that you did not formulate but then completed will end up on your profile page and remain there permanently. So do not register for challenges that could damage your reputation in the game/in society.
• Please do not post photos with people in them who do not expressly wish this and have given you their consent
• Please do not post any pictures that allow any conclusions to be drawn about specific people (except yourself / if you want to)
• You gain control over challenges and deals that have not yet been claimed by other players. Challenges completed by you or other players remain part of the game.
• to subsequently change the content of challenges or deals. In special cases, a written request for a change in content must be submitted to us in order to be able to make a subsequent change.
• These requests are accepted at moderation (a) There is no right to subsequent changes. Only players who are directly connected to the data set whose change is requested can request changes.
• If a third party not involved in the data set reports violations of their personal rights or freedoms, we will forward this report to the parties involved in the data set. If necessary, a party involved in the data set must then submit a data change request to us.

7. Responsibilities of license holders

• License holders are legal entities that have acquired a license for the game from icigai GmbH. An overview of the licenses can be found here.
• License holders are responsible for the legal use of the app and compliance with the GDPR.
• icigai1 GmbH is not liable for legal violations by the license holders.
• Violations for which icigai1 GmbH is held responsible by third parties will be forwarded to the license holder.

Rules and handling of the app

8. Rules of the game

• Players must treat each other with respect and may not post extremist, violent or discriminatory content.

• Political and commercial advertising as well as the collection of data through automated mechanisms are prohibited.

• The use of the app to carry out illegal activities is prohibited.

• Points are exchanged between players and Feldner for challenges, deals and other activities. These points are determined by the creator.
One star corresponds to 60 points.

• We respect the rights of others and expect you to do the same.
• You will not use one2play to harm, insult, discriminate or the like against other players, other persons, institutions or companies.
• You will not copy any features you see and use in the 1 App and use them in your own/other products.
• Images and texts that you upload to one2play legally belong to the operator. However, you retain the right to decide what should happen with this information in the future. Data that is already firmly woven into the gameplay may not be able to be deleted later. Therefore, please think carefully beforehand about what information you send.
• You will not distribute any content on one2play or perform any actions on one2play that violate the rights of others or the law.
• We may remove any content or information you have posted on one2play if we believe it violates this Statement or our policies.
• If we remove your content because it infringes someone else's copyright and you believe this is a mistake, we will give you an opportunity to respond. If you repeatedly infringe the intellectual property rights of others, we may terminate your account.
• You and the fields you create must not create the impression that you or your field have influence over higher-level game processes outside of the field or your account.

• If you collect information from players for commercial use, you will:
o Need to purchase a commercial license for your field from icigai1 GmbH
o Control your activities via this field
o Comply with applicable data protection regulations
o You will not request or post any identification documents or confidential financial information from anyone on 1.
o All rights granted by us to use one2play are revocable at any time without notice.
o You will not sell, transfer or sublicense your license, code, APIs or utilities to anyone.
o disclose and not misrepresent your relationship with 1 or the organizations behind it to others.
o You will comply with all applicable laws.

• You grant us all rights necessary to make one2play work on all devices, including the right to incorporate the content and information you provide to us into message flows, timelines and reports on player actions.
• One2play includes all the features and service offerings we provide through our app “one2play”. The terms “platform”, “app” and “website” define a set of application programming interfaces (APIs) and services (such as content).
• By "Information" we mean facts and other information about you, including actions of interacting players and non-players. "Content" means anything you or other players post on one2play and is not covered by the definition of "Information".
• By “Data” or “Player Data” we mean any data, including player content or information, that you or third parties can access from one2play.
• otherwise providing challenges using a device on which one2play is used.

9. Challenge and Deal and Fields

• Challenges are tasks that players can complete to receive rewards. (Link)
• Deals are offers that can be negotiated between players. (Link)
• Fields are location-based areas where players can meet to complete challenges and trade deals . (Link)
• All activities must be legal and socially acceptable.

10. Use of the chat function

• The chat may not be used for harassment, threats or the distribution of illegal content.
• Players may not share personal or sensitive information without the consent of the person concerned.

11. Account-related prohibitions and requirements

• You will not create a profile for anyone else.
• You will only create a personal account.
• You will not open a field for companies, associations or other legal entities unless this has been expressly agreed and approved by the management/owner/board of directors or the respective responsible person of the company/association/legal entity. a. You will not open a field for companies or associations where you are an outside third party. If you do not work for that company, you are not permitted to open a field for that company.
• You will not manage a field for a legal entity if the key people of the company/association/legal entity do not want this. If desired, you will transfer your managerial function to the management of the company or the board of an association (also applies to all other legal forms)
• When you manage a field as a leader, you manage the field in accordance with all legal regulations and the rules of the game .
• You will not include any political or radical content in the description of the field contribution
• The same applies to the image of the field
• If a player violates any laws or rules within the field you manage, you can terminate the player's membership in your field.
• As a field leader, you are responsible for the field and what happens on it. If criminal content appears in your field that violates the rules of the game, you are initially obliged to report it.
• If your player account is blocked, you will not create another one without permission.
• You will not share your password (or secret key), allow anyone else to access your account, or take any other action that might compromise the security of your account.
• If you choose a username or similar name for your account or page, we reserve the right to change it if we deem it necessary (for example, if the owner of a trademark files a complaint that a player name does not match a member's real name).

Consequences of violations

12. Escalation levels

• Violations of the rules will result in warnings and may even lead to permanent account suspension.
• Illegal content will be reported immediately and the corresponding account will be blocked.

• Warning for violation of the rules of the game
o The player will be warned in writing to refrain from or stop certain actions in the future or to remove content.
o A warning is issued if the player has not complied with the request to adjust the content.

• Warnings for violations of the rules of the game
o If the player does not stop the illegal act and/or continues it, he will receive a warning and the account will be blocked after three days of non-compliance
o With the following warning, the player account will be blocked for one month
o If a further warning is issued after the third warning in a similar matter (after three unsuccessful reminders), the player account will be blocked for 6 months.
o If a further warning is due after the fourth warning in a similar matter (after three unsuccessful reminders), the player account will be blocked for 12 months. If a further warning is due after a fifth warning in a similar matter (after three previous unsuccessful warnings), the player account will be blocked indefinitely.
o During a ban, players can request reactivation of their account at moderation (a) Requests for (early) reactivation are reviewed individually and not decided publicly.

• If content in the app is obviously illegal, the player will receive a warning from us with an immediate request to take action in the form of changing the content
• If the player does not comply with this request immediately, an immediate warning will be issued. Depending on the threat level, we can then shorten the time interval between the first, second and third warnings to up to 60 seconds without issuing a warning.
• The above also applies to players who, in their role as leader of a field, commit illegal content or post content that violates the game rules while using the field.
• Violations in fields will be reported to the license holder immediately.
• Fields that do not adjust or delete illegal content or content that violates the game rules despite warnings and warnings will be deactivated immediately.
• We will legally assert any damages caused to us by your illegal or improper use

12. Changes to the Terms of Use

• icigai1 GmbH reserves the right to change these terms and conditions. Users will be notified of any changes in a timely manner.
• Continued use of the app after changes will be deemed as acceptance of the new terms.

13. Termination of use

• In case of violations of these conditions or legal requirements, icigai1 GmbH may terminate the use of the app at any time.
• If you violate the content of these General Terms and Conditions, this may result in legal risks for us, the operating companies, their employees, the board members or
• If you actively harm partners (including in the course of your professional activities), we may stop providing one2play to you in whole or in part.
• If this happens, you will be notified via email or the next time you log in.

Jurisdiction and applicable law

14. Place of jurisdiction

• The District Court of Jena has jurisdiction for all disputes arising from or in connection with these Terms of Use.
• German law applies.
July 20, 2024